Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Getting Unstuck in my walk with Christ - Day 21

Well, I know I said awhile back that I was going to carry this series all the way out to 31 days but things are very close to being complete right now and I have 10 posts left to get to 31...  Of course, with the way the past month+ has been going, more stuff will probably jump out of the woodwork lol.

Cleaning >>>

For the past 2 days I've really just dealt with lots of random papers and pages torn out from magazines - it's fairly slow and arduous work but the results have definitely lifted some of the stress off my shoulders :-)

1. My porch is looking fantastic!!
     a. I put a small plastic basket next to the loveseat to be a "to read" magazine container and to hold my pens and markers that end up all over the floor.
     b. I have a very small stack of papers to still go thru on the porch but I think it's mostly just coupons to clip.

2. My bookshelves are full - - - ACK!!
     a. Okay, so after putting all of my empty folders and notebooks back in my bookcase (including those that were in a different location), they take up an entire shelf :-(
     b. I have no room for my education books - - this is gonna be interesting to figure out a solution to.

3. I put more cards in my card boxes and more memories in my memory folder.

4. Found more scientific articles online and recycled the papers - they KEEP SHOWING UP lol.

5. I organized my biology books into the following categories: Bio textbooks, Non-bio Science textbooks, Environmental Science, Invertebrates, Fungi+, Plants, Birds/Mammals, and Theory.  This sorting method has made it extremely easy to put random pamphlets, brochures, and handouts from conferences in appropriate and easily located places.

State-of-mind pic of the day.
I forget what species of bird this is but,
is it not absolutely gorgeous?!
[Taken by me in Ngornogro Crater, TZE]

Spiritual thoughts >>>
Chapter 9 of Unstuck makes several really great points about the Bible:
- There is a Person behind the pages.
- This amazing, ancient, yet still relevant book is the narrative story of God - it is HIS-story.
-The Bible is a compass more than a roadmap.

Now for the mundane, remember my promise a few posts ago? lol...
Over on Good Morning Girls, Jen wrote a fabulous post about recognizing God in our everyday mundane tasks.  Below is my take on it::

Ephesians 2:10 says:
For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand, that we should walk in them. [My emphasis added.]
According to this verse, our day-to-day tasks have been prepared for us by God - and considering that God knit us together in the womb, these works were probably laid out for us long before we breathed our first breath.  We were created so that we could carry out these works.  What a great way to look at tasks that we must complete that seem insignificant or boring!

I've already written multitudes on how we should do everything in our lives to the glory of God :-)
Just check out Day 6 (there are more days too).

Phillipians 2:14 says:
Do everything without complaining or arguing.
Hmmm...yeah, I think this is something that everyone needs to keep in mind.  I clearly remember the ridiculous number of Facebook statuses I posted while I was struggling through writing my M.S. thesis.  Let's just say that they were not uplifting or pump-me-up in nature.  I grumbled and whined in status after status.  I was truly struggling and was having real difficulty in getting through the arduous task in front of me, but regardless, I really don't think all of my Facebook friends had any desire to read status after status of complaining!! *blush* - how embarrassing looking back on it :-/

Well, more tomorrow!  We'll see what ends up on the chopping block ;-)

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