Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Getting Unstuck in my walk with Christ - Day 24

I'm pretty much floored with how much I managed to get done yesterday in regards to cleaning.  It was fabulous :-D

1.  Education folder - I had about 3 file folders, 2 3-ring binders, and 1 manila envelope chock full of Education related papers and news articles.  Now I have all of it in 1 tab-divided 3-ring binder - SO organized!!!  At the moment, I am using the following categories::
Lesson Planning
Teaching Practice
Professional Development
Personal Experience
Graphic Organizers
Philosophy of Education
Classroom Management
School Reform
21st Century Education
While some of these categories may seem fairly redundant, it's what works for me and I am really happy with it :-)

2.  Spiral-bound notebooks/comp books/journals - All very nicely organized in one section of my wire shelving unit.

3.  Empty folders, file folders, 3-ring binders, and expandables - Lined up nicely and easily accessible in 1 crate.  Two of the 3-ring binders double as paper storage and 1 of them doubles as tab-divider storage.

4.  Teaching Assistant Biology Lab binders - Remember my throwing out all those extra student papers the other day?  Well I had placed all of the remaining papers in a file folder, and soon realized that I hadn't gone through the actual related binders in a very long time.  After going through the binders, I was able to place BSC 108 and 117 papers in their respective binders and everything fit SO WELL :-)

5.  Education books and notebooks - They fit in my bookshelves - yay!!  This is due to my solutions 2 and 3 above - success!

6.  Recycling - Another bag of office paper...if I had kept all the paper I've recycled over the past month and a half in a giant bag, I bet I could've had a bonfire lol.

I still have much more to do today but yesterday's successes have left me pretty pumped ;-)

State-of-mind pic of the day.
Wetlands in Ngorongoro Crater, TZE
[taken by me]

Unstuck >> "Plotting a course" for a more Christ-filled life::
The following is the first half of a process laid out in Chapter 11.  I've loved considering these questions for the past hour, it's really gotten me to think about who I am and what I believe.  Totally recommend doing this for yourself...

FIRST STEP:: Focus your vision
- What is my perception of God?
     Unconditionally loving
     Gracious and merciful
     Jealous, wanting ALL of me
     Lover of my soul
-What things are blocking a spiritual breakthrough in my life?
     Forgetting the awe and wonder of the Creator
     Getting caught up in human endeavors
     Letting earthly drama determine how I feel
     Being terrified of Heaven
     The judgmental-ness of others who are Christians
     My own feelings of diminished self-worth
-How can I work through them to get my faith moving again?
     Powered by 4!!
     Pray as I go to sleep
     Engage more in nature
     Talk to Him throughout the day
     Make the extra effort to show up on time to church...

SECOND STEP:: Dare to Dream
-What are my God-given gifts and talents?
     Passion for nature and biology
     Laughing and smiling all the time
     Loving other cultures
     Willingness to help others
     Fascination with "ugly/scary" creatures a.k.a. bugs and spiders
     Insatiable desire to learn new things
     Getting excited
     Accepting people as they are

THIRD STEP:: Pinpoint your personality
10 options are given and the reader is asked to select only one.  I laughed when I came across one in particular in the list.  I never would have come up with it on my own, but man does it define me.
-Investigative/A Fact-Finder
     Internet searches are my best  I notoriously look up any questions I have.  I'm never satisfied with not having some idea of why things are a certain way or how certain things work or why people do certain things.  I've always just referred to this as "the scientist in me" but maybe it's more than that.

Well that's all for now - my brain and heart need some time to ponder and reflect over all of the above...

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