A New Literacies Sampler edited by Michele Knobel and Colin Lankshear (Book #7 of 2012)
I was assigned a chapter from this book for one of my graduate level education courses and ended up reading the entire book! It was an incredibly interesting look into what the editors call "new literacies." Basically, "new literacies" covers all the ways that children currently act out reading and engaging in literacy. This includes blogs, video games, internet memes, fan-faction, and websites. As a future teacher, I found the topics covered in this book and their relations to the classroom utterly fascinating and it really got me thinking about ideas that I could eventually bring into my own science classroom. I think as a future part of this blog I'll do some brainstorming on ideas I have about teaching strategies/lesson plans. Obviously this is definitely the field for me :-)
I'll probably update more later...I just wanted to go ahead and get back into the groove.