Wednesday, June 13, 2012

"We Bought a Zoo" = Amazing ;-)

Okay, so we all know that there is in fact a time and place for everything.  I just spent a couple of hours earlier today watching "We Bought a Zoo" with my almost full attention...and it was well worth it.  Finally a movie without questions, ambiguity, and artsy stuckupness.  The beautiful animals that graced the screen all throughout the movie and the interactions the characters had with them allowed this movie to start at 3 stars from the get go.  Add in the smart, bubbly, and too-cute-to-fathom 7 year old Rosy and you get 4 stars.  Sandwich an uplifting, heart warming, and meaningful story between a solid beginning and a PERFECT ending and "We Bought a Zoo" absolutely gets 5 stars in my book!!

Just see it.  Unless you're one of those people who feels that you're too cool for school, then you really won't be able to help but at least smile :-)

Yes I spent this time doing nothing but "vegging out," but honestly, I think sometimes that "vegging" is just a necessity.  Not everyday for sure!  But on the rare occasion, yes.  {Plus I had a $1/1 code for BBX lol and just couldn't help myself.}