Monday, June 2, 2008

Pics of my Win! and goat update

To the left is a picture of my wonderful prize yarn and other goodies :-) If you didn't notice, my photo editing skills suck -lol.
I'll be starting that scarf really soon now that I have room on my needles and since I finally figured out ribbing!!! It took me awhile to figure out when to put the yarn in front of and when behind the needles to produce a good rib, but I did some practice last night and it actually looked pretty nice.

As far as currently on the needles goes, all I have left of my brother's goat is seaming it up and stuffing it!! Yay, I'm going home to visit this weekend and hopefully it'll be done by then :-)
Well, I'll be booking it today as I look through patterns to figure out what I want to do next since I'm almost finished with the goat too. I've checked out a large number of library books that have some great patterns for really small things that are super cute + embellishments that I could just knit up and use later...i'll get to that full-size sweater eventually :-P

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