I officially went crazy over the past couple of days with yarn...but it was on sale and I only purchased those brands with the best deals. I was especially excited about Patons Divine and the now discontinued (!) yarn Patons Lacette. Using the Patons Divine, I have just begun the Divine Snowflake Sweater, a free pattern on their website, with Richest Rose as MC and Soft Earth as A.

This yarn is the softest (18% mohair) most amazing yarn...I'm in love :-) For the Lacette, I purchased the hard to find pattern booklet "Patons Lacette Romance (knit)" which contains some of the most beautiful knits I have ever seen. I've never knit true lace or used lacey yarn so I am super excited about trying out the Lacette and at the same time super sad that it's discontinued :-( Both of these brands were 2/$3!! Much more has been purchased, but I will wait and comment on them until I begin those projects.
As for current projects, Mommy's Afghan is going beautifully and I have made some headway on the alpaca scarf. The afghan must be done by next Wednesday so I need to get a-workin' on it at the same time that I
have to study for COMPs!!!
Here is the afghan so far: (isn't it soo pretty? - the blue flecks are just in one of the four yarns and yet they play such a large role in the overall palette which I find really interesting and lucky since blue is my Mom's favorite color...you wouldn't believe how SOFT and WARM it is :-) My Mom is definitely anxious for me to complete it :-P

Oh yeah, Happy New Year!!