Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Resolutions and Challenges

So to begin the new year I have joined several challenges on Ravelry and have made some resolutions of my own both involving knitting and my general life. My non-knitting Ravelry challenge was to read 52 books in 52 weeks (a.k.a. 1 year). This should be a lot of fun as I have really been skimping on the for-fun books what with all the studying that being a college senior requires. Other Ravelry challenges include stash-busting and UFO-finishing in a variety of groups including Stash Knit Down 2009, Procraftination, Burnin' Up The Stash (BUTS), Finish or Frog and one for general knitting organization called The Organized Knitting Club. This all should be great fun and keep me on track with my knitting and keep knitting fresh and fun! I'm so excited about this upcoming year, I think it is going to be a fantastic one!
Personal resolutions include:
1. Buying no new yarn until a lot of what I already have is used up.
2. Working on as many projects as I want at a time to keep things interesting, BUT
3. I must finish 2 projects a month
4. Keep up with this blog :-)
1. Show up 15 minutes early to everything!!!
2. Don't procrastinate or fall behind with anything!!!
I guess the two above are everybody's wish :-P

So far I have begun making personal kits from the "Marie Yarn Store" which I will be calling my MYS in future posts. I have 19 "kits" already!!! TOO much yarn lol. Well, I still have more to go through but am so excited that my organization is already under way :-D

Oh and happy last day of Christmas!!!!