This is actually an e-book that is available for free if you sign up for email updates from
the Stretching Into Blue blog. I've only scanned through the first several pages, but I'm really excited about this "motivotional." Sarah Mae has created a devotional with a strongly biblical perspective to help women get dressed in the morning. As someone who has difficulties taking a shower every day...don't judge! - I KNOW I'm not the only female with this problem...I think this book will be extremely helpful in getting ready every morning to conquer the day. The book is separated into 20 days of devotionals, each with a set of challenges and some very well-chosen and very uplifting verses from the bible. I love it when I can get my hands on super relevant biblical perspectives on every day life :-) Oh and a word I noticed in scanning through the book was "frumpflower!" How fantastic is that? Reminds me of the days when I throw on sweats, a long sleeve shirt, flip flops, and messily pull my hair up in a pony tail...hmmm.

This short post from R@H provides some great tips for using items you would otherwise throw away to help organize your mess! Upcycling for organization is always a great thing. Tips include using check book boxes as drawer dividers, a tissue-box as a grocery bag dispenser (this might actually be a way to better compact the grocery bags I now have just stored inside other grocery bags under the sink...), and more. All 5 tips aren't necessarily useful for me (I've recycled every shoe box I've ever owned), but I'll take what I can get!
Oh those extra few minutes of lovely they are...unless they turn into a couple of hours and your morning schedule becomes a frenzied attempt to be somewhere on time!! This scenario happens way too much in my life, so I find these tips from Michael Hyatt worth considering. One of his consistent tips across many of his posts is to do some sort of devotional or reading of the Bible in the morning. I think this is definitely a great way to start the day and would help me get my thoughts into focus so that I can be more productive and aware. He also mentions going to bed early enough to get a full night's sleep, something that I have finally gotten good at (although every time I visit my parents they throw me off by staying up insanely late...ughhh...I recently visited them and am already way off my normal schedule). Prepping the night before...hmmm...well, maybe it's a female thing, but I never really know what I want to wear until in the morning (maybe I'm too emotionally driven with what I wear lol). Also, I tend to do a good bit of work in the morning as well, so packing my bag the night before could be counter-productive. It's a good thought at least and I guess I could go ahead and make sure that my purse has everything in it before I go to bed... His overall premise that every minute of the first hour of the day should be used productively and wisely is inspiring regardless.
You know, it is kinda funny that a number of blogs and such that I look too for inspiration and helpful tips are mom definitely not being a mom nor even close to that whole marriage thing...haha...oh well, they are still very helpful. Anyway, this is a wonderful post! I frequently find myself in a slump where I feel bored, unproductive, lonely, and essentially dejected. My usual remedy for this feeling is just to take a nap...even when I'm not sleepy (not the most useful thing that I could do...). Crystal provides some great insight on how to get out of such a slump including getting up and doing something (So true! 10 mins of organizing or doing the 5-Things Rule not only gets your body moving, but also produces a lovely result), exercise (yeah, I really need to work on this one - the motivation just is not there), having a morning routine (she also includes reading the Bible in the morning - I really should start doing this), and remembering that "His grace is sufficient" (so simple yet so powerful and so easily forgotten - I love it).
Another great post from MH. Since I've already rambled on enough, I just want to relay a really neat idea that he presented in the last few sentences of this post. He sees his car as a rolling "prayer closet." How great is that? I usually enjoy listening to loud music and singing along while driving, but those times when I'm in a super hurry and am really all too intent on getting to my destination, I think I could make the effort to slow down my thoughts and pray to put my day back on the right track :-)
Enjoy! And for those on Spring Break...RELAX :-)